How to Deal With Dysmenorrhea

Marsh Rod
2 min readDec 21, 2020


Step 1


Take something for the pain. When you start to feel the symptoms of dysmenorrhea (like cramps), you should take some over-the-counter pain medicine to help you handle the pain. You can even take some pain medicine right when you begin your period to try to keep the pain at bay.

Try taking something like ibuprofen or naproxen. These are the best over-the-counter medicines for cramps.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosing.

Step 2


Try a heating pad. If you are feeling a lot of pain and the pain medicine doesn’t seem to be helping, try using a heating pad. Simply applying heat to your lower back or abdomen (depending on where you feel the most pain) can have amazing effects and make you feel so much better.

You can also try an adhesive heating pad. This is a good option if you are on the go and can’t sit and hold a heating pad against your body.



Marsh Rod

I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.